Written Exam:
In the written exam students are assigned a portion of the membership oath to reflect upon. Length of the paper varies with age. A students Black Belt parer must be a minimum of twenty pages.
Rank System:
Students begin classes as “no belts”. They then test through a series of “Kups” (levels) until they reach the rank of black belt. Each colored belt has two levels (except for black which has nine): No belt, 10 - 9 Kup White, 8 - 7 Kup Yellow, 6 - 5 Kup Green, 4 - 3 Kup Purple, 2 - 1 Kup Brown. Numerical order begins at 10 (lowest rank) and ends at 1 (highest rank). Once a student become a black belt, the Kups are replaced by Dans (degrees), and ranking progresses the opposite, with 1 being the lowest and 9 being the highest.
Beginning Basics
for White Belt Exam:
Stretch - Ahp Bahl Lopi Oru Gee
Kick - Ahp Cha Gee
Stretch - Yohp Bahl Lopi Oru Gee
Kick - Yohp Cha Gee
*Down block, Middle
punch - Choong Dan Juhn Jin
Block - Sahng Dan Mahk Gee
Fist Technique - Sahng Juh Mohk
Hand, Reverse Punch -Yeok Jin
in Horse Stance - Kee Mah Rhee
Rule 1 and 2